August 20, 2010

The land with ancient stone walls is becoming a house on frail ice

The strong people of Kurdistan standing up to their enemies and oppressors for centuries have become weak under its own ruling. Day by day since 1991 the ruling parties, KDP and PUK, have been destroying our country. If anyone would say that what I am saying is unfair or untrue, I would tell them to judge for themselves after hearing me out.

When the Kurds did not have enemies to fight after 1991 when our lands came under the protection of the UN, the ruling parties started to fight each other for the power and the money. They became obsessed in fighting each other and did nothing for the people. During those years between 1991 and 2003, what did they do for the people and the country?

In the year of 2003 when the US rid Iraq from Saddam Hussein, the Kurdish people were the strongest of all the Iraqis. We were strong because we had our own land areas under our own control and we had our armed peshmerga who under the protection of the UN had built up a solid organization. Then, when we were strongest, we had all the possibilities to set the terms after our own demands. But what did we demand, what have we gained? Not one square mile of our occupied land, the disputed areas such as Kirkuk or Mosel. Then when we were strongest we did nothing – so what can we do now?

The ruling parties, what have they done for Kurdistan? They have taught the people how to sell themselves and become thieves. They gave their own people, party members, posts with government salaries. They bought people by offering them such posts, many only to hinder them from going over to the other party. They did not mind who they were. Many of these with high posts and salaries are people who sold their souls to Saddam (jeshek). But the strange thing is not that they have the jobs, it is that they all are filthy rich. How? They all line their own pockets through corruption. With the salary they have it is impossible to acquire such wealth. Why does not anyone ask where the money comes from? Because they are all members of the Club of thieves.

I among others saw the elections a year ago as progress in Kurdistan becoming a democracy. But the elections were just a show for the ruling parties. These elections were just the ruling parties giving the people a lesson in how to maintain power by cheating. I saw with my own eyes the cheating, bribing, threatening, harassing, that occurred during not only the Kurdish elections but also again during the Iraqi elections. They did it openly for all to see. They did it to once and for all show the people that no matter what they do, vote or not, protest or be quiet, they will keep the power to rule. The people lost their belief in democracy, lost their hopes for the future and lost their faith in themselves.

The proud people of Kurdistan, who through centuries were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country – who are they now? Are they willing to once again defend this land, sacrifice their lives, for the two thieving families that rule Kurdistan? This new Kurdistan is becoming a house built on frail ice. Why? Because we have a government that does not care for our future. They are focusing on getting rich instead of building the country.


  1. most of the Gorran leaders were once part of these two ruling parties, so are they also guilty for "destroying our country" while they were with those two ruling parties?

  2. This is what created Gorran. Those who saw and were against the way they ruled the country tried to stop or change it from inside for many years. But when this was not possible they had to demand changes from outside as Gorran. Maybe you wonder why it took so long? Because of the situation internationally for Kurdistan, the time was just not right until the year 2009.

  3. i visit evrey year kurdistan and i see many changes, i cant believe that the goverment are doing those things,
    In evrey country in the world is corruption, its normal.
    We just have to accept it. I now you personly, maiby you now ho i am. Hejin kore dyan.
    Goran and party are to busy with fighting each other, instead of fighting , the two partys can work together to build our country, sorry that i am saying this but i think the to partys are gonna do exactly what puk en kdp thid 20 years ago when they were fighting and splitting our lands.

  4. Inshaallah there wil be no fighting against politics but pease and a good economy for kurdistan
