August 22, 2010

A house on frail ice - our future?

Kurdistan is becoming a house on frail ice. The children, the young Kurds, are the future of our people. We do not have a future unless we take care of our youth. But the ruling parties are not seeing to that the young get an education.

The children up til 8th grade - they cannot even write a letter. But if you have rich parents you do not need to worry. You will get good grades and an exam anyway. It will just cost your parents some bribes to the teacher.

They say our school system is the same as in Sweden. Do you really believe that is so? Our teachers do not care about their pupils and the pupils do not have respect for the teachers.The regulations of how the teachers should teach and what the children are supposed to learn are just words on a paper.

Also 90% of the schools are not worthy to be called schools. The buildings are cold in the winter and there are too many pupils in each classroom. There are no materials, broken furniture, holes in the walls. And still there are at least a thousand schools missing today in Kurdistan.

The ruling party leaders, if they know this and are not doing anything about it, it is a catastrophe. If they do not know what is happening with the future of Kurdistan, it is even worse.

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