August 1, 2009

Post-election discussions

I am now back in Zakho after being in Sulaymaniya this week after the election. Gorran, The Change List, have been busy the last couple of days in conferences discussing how to proceed now after the elections. We are discussing the parliament seats and our future work to bring about change in the KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government and for the Kurdish people.

We are also discussing how to proceed with legal actions concerning the election fraud. We will not let this pass and have had our lawyers look into our options.

Furthermore, we are having talks with the 4PartyList (Sevice and Reform List) about forming a joint opposition in parliament. They can choose inclusion in government or staying in opposition. The governing parties, KDP/PUK, have made it clear that they will not tolerate any criticism of the government by joining parties.

We are also looking ahead to local elections within the upcoming Iraqi elections in about six months. These elections will have a more decisive influence on future developments of Gorran
in the Behdinan area. In Zakho and Duhok we will work for making a difference, a change, for the Behdinan which have for too long been neglected by the KRG.


  1. Everybody is busy, from change, yekirtu to Kurdsitani. Wonder what this will bring, hope to interview Nawshirwan or Salih next week. But aren't you from a Sorran region? You are from Komala just as Huseyin Abid. Why would Badinani people vote for u?

  2. Thanks for commenting. I am from Behdinan region, Zakho. But this will not affect anything. It is only the adversaries of the Kurdish people that speak of Soran or Behdinan differences. We are all Kurds and we all work for the same goal, which is achieving democracy and justice for our people, for Kurdistan. The Behdinan area has been neglected by the KRG and people are disappointed and in need of Change.
