July 27, 2009

Pre-election information from IHEC was false

We have talked to IHEC representatives today about our complaints and wanted information about what actions they are going to take. IHEC had before the election given us the information that we had three days to file our complaints after the election and that the votes will be sorted and counted at polling stations, then be taken to Dohuk where the results would be registered over a computor system. Then the ballots were to be flown to Bagdad where IHEC would recount the votes and check with the registered counts in Duhok.

Now they told us that the complaints had to be in Baghdad by 6 PM today if they were to be reviewed! But that is not the information we had and our complaints sent today will not be there in time. We called head quarters in Sulaymaniya and they reasoned with IHEC. They referred to the IHEC rules, which say 3 days after election. Then they gave us time until tomorrow 6 PM.

We then asked about the recounting in Baghdad. We were told that they are not going to recount any votes or check any bundles of votes! Why? "It costs us time and personnel and we do not need to according to our rules." But we need you to check because not any of our observers were allowed to be present when they sorted and counted the votes in any of the polling stations in Zakho! IHEC then said we should choose a few polling stations and they will recount only those ballots.
We in Gorran (Change List) and the 4partylist (Service and Reform List) are asking IHEC to recount all votes from Dohuk Governate, 550 000 registered voters. This because of the massive fraud we have witnessed during the election. The complaints made by both Gorran and 4partylist should point to the need to recount.

Among our complaints besides what we previously have told you about, are also that those who voted on the special vote before the election day have been allowed to vote again. Also dead people and people living abroad have casted their votes.

The extended hour on election day also was not needed for the voters. There were no lines at all at any of the polling stations in Zakho at 5 PM when they said they were going to extend one hour. All party observers said we do not need to extend and this have also been reported to the IHEC. IHEC should check with people who did not go to vote if their votes have been casted without them being there.

KDP have influence over all who were working at the polling stations. That is why we needed all the observers. In my private opinion KDP have systematically cheated through this election in every way they could think of.

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