August 2, 2009

Comment on KDP - where is the money?

One of the readers left a comment on my previous post about KDP not using KRG money for the purposes they were allocated for.

Pushdaree said...
What KDP got to do with government affairs, monies allocated and given to government officials not KDP members and officials. If the KDP officials saved the treasury of the city by asking businesses to pay for the expenses that is a good thing. Businesses should have the civic duty to contribute to such expenses. So before starting to accuse others of embezzlement, ask city officials if the city has received the funding and whether it will use the saved monies for other purposes.

May I pose a question for you, since you identify with the "change" list, how is it possible for a person that never held a real job nor inherited wealth to establish giant media company? The person I am referring to is the leader of your list. BTW I have no political affiliation in case you are wondering.
My answer:
First of all. if you read my post, I am asking the questions before I accuse anyone. Secondly, I really wish that there were a difference between government officials and KDP members, but there is not.
And I really wish that the government thought like you obviously think they do, and used the money as they are supposed to, for their people. I would have been proud of that government and been the first one to vote for them. Here in Zakho all city officials are KDP members. In fact you will not get any job at all if you are not a member. If you want to start a business you will have to give 51% of the money to the KDP. The KDP controls everything. Also, the businessmen did not pay for these things by their own free will. They were forced to by the KDP, and people did not know about this.

Instead of telling me that I am making unjust accusations why don't you ask the government to be transparent about where all the money goes. From 2003 to 2009, in six years the KRG have received 31 billion dollars from Iraq. If you are neutral, as you say you are, ask the people why they are lacking water, electricity, health care, medicins, schools etc. There are 1002 villages in Kurdistan without a school. In those schools that exist, a pupil gets 2 hours and 40 minutes of school time. In every class room there are 40 pupils. Where did all those bilions of dollars go?

About Nashirwan. Jalal Talabani gave him 6 million dollars to start the media company. Nashirwan, who had worked for years trying to change things from the inside saw his opportunity to do something. In a country where all media and all armed forces are controlled by the governing parties, this could mean a chance to make the voice of people heard. Ask Jalal Talabani where he took the money to give to Nashirwan? Jalal Talabani has himself said that he is glad they left PUK, "they were our main problem and our main headaches for years and years". Link to interview.

They have shared the 31 billion dollars between KDP and PUK and used it to make themselves and family members into millionaires. They own all large companies in Kurdistan and several companies in Europe and US. Did they all enherit money or have earned it themselves before they formed the government? The parties, KDP and PUK, are each given 30 million dollars a month. Is that not enough for them? Do they in addition need to take the money of the people? They need to separate the parties from the government. As it has been uptil now, there was no government, only the KDP/PUK governing Kurdistan.

If you are Kurd and you want
to continue to support the Kurdish government, you should tell them that it is enough. In 1991 we were all happy to get rid of Saddam and saw a bright future for the Kurdish people. Instead we got civil war on who is going to get the power and money. And then they took all the power and money for themselves. And now people live in graver misery than they did under Saddam. The only ones that have made a bright future for themselves are the leaders of KDP and PUK. The families of our war martyrs have been given nothing.

I am proud over the people in Gorran that are trying to make a change. You should be proud too, that there are people in your country that think of, and feel solidarity with others than themselves.

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