July 21, 2009

Change List hindered by the police

Today we visited Duhok to meet up with our supporters there.We were happy to see that more and more people are coming to us to discuss the Change List program. Many of them are disappointed with the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) and are considering abandoning them in favor for the Change List. It seems that the number of threats are decreasing. But the Asayish (Kurdish security police) and the Parastin (Kurdish intelligence agency) are watching every step we take. And it seems that they take every opportunity to obstruct our campaign by hindering us in any way they can.

This Sunday the Change List official in Dohuk, Ismat Nerwahi, was traveling back from Sulaymanya via Barzan. At the control before entering Barzan they were stopped by the Asayish. They were held there for 40 minutes while they were checking the car and ID's. They were traveling in a car with KNN (Kurdish News Network) symbols and with KNN ID's. Then they let them go. But they had only been driving a few miles when they were stopped by the Parastin. Now they were asked to turn back and take another road to Dohuk. So they had to take the road via Aqrah, on small roads over the mountains. They left Sulaymania at 6 PM so now they had to travel in the dark on unsafe roads and the trip that should have taken half an hour turned in to a several hour excursion.

Four days remain until election day. We will bear all the hindering of our campaign with calm and not let us be provoked. We ask our supporters to do the same.

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